Home by Another Way

January 6 is the Feast of the Epiphany and the end of the Christmas season. The Gospel of Matthew tells us that this is the day the magi arrived in Bethlehem, directed by angels and guided by a star, bringing gifts to Jesus. The magi go home by another road. Little else is known about them, although a robust tradition has grown around them over time, including their number (three) and their names (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar).

Home by Another Way picture book

This month's picture book "Home by Another Way" by Barbara Brown Taylor and Melanie Cataldo invites you to enter into this sacred story with wonder: who are the magi are and how does their sacred story intersect with our own? Who or what is leading you to God incarnate? Which stars will you follow this year and what road will you take? What gifts will you offer?

"Home by Another Way" written by Barbara Brown Taylor and illustrated by Melanie Cataldo. Published by Flyaway Books in 2018.